Saturday 25 November 2017

Works of Kalidasa

Normally we know that Mahakavi Kalidasa has composed 3 Kavyas, 3 Dramas and 1 Lyric. But you will surprise to read the following.
There are 26 works are considered as works of Kalidasa.

अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलम्                       विक्रमोर्वशीयं
मालविकाग्निमित्रम्                          रघुवंशम्
कुमारसंभवम्                                मेघदूतम्
कुन्तेश्वरदौत्यम्                              ऋतुसंहारम्
अम्बास्तवम्                                 कालीस्तोत्रम्
काव्यनाटकालङ्कारा:                      घटकर्पर
चण्डिकादण्डकस्तोत्रम्                   दुर्घटकाव्यम्  
नलोदायम्                                    नवरत्नमाला
पुष्पबानविलासम्                           राक्षसकाव्यं      
लघुस्तवम्                                    विद्वत्विनोदकाव्यं      
वृन्दावनकाव्यम्                            शृङ्गारतिलकम्  
श्रुङ्गारसार:                                  श्यामलादण्डकम्       
श्रुतबोधम्                                    सेतुबन्धम्
  • Ø कुन्तेश्वरदौत्यम् is not available but it is mentioned by Kashmirian poet क्षेमेन्द्र:
  • Ø Authorship of ऋतुसंहारं is doubtful.
  • Ø Rest of the works except first 7 are strongly not accepted as the works of Kalidasa.

In the introduction of हर्षचरितम्,  कविबाणभटट: says
निर्गतासु न वा कस्य कालिदासस्य सूक्तिषु
प्रीतिर्मधुरसार्द्रासु मन्जरीष्विव जायते
‘As soon as Kalidasa’s sweet sayings went forth from him as there any one who did no rejoice in them as in honey-laden flower?

Pandit Govardhanacharya thus speaks of Works of Kalidasa:
साकूतमधुरकोमल विलासिनी कण्ठ कूजितप्राये
शिक्षासमयेऽपि मुदे रतालीलाकालिदासोक्ती ..
Two things only viz, love-sport and Kalidasa’s poetry delight the heart even at the time of instruction as they consist of the sweet, tender and touching words of a sportive girl.
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Wednesday 22 November 2017

sakuntalam of kalidasa

कालिदासस्य सर्वस्वम् अभिज्ञान शाकुन्तलम्
काव्येषु नाटकं रम्यं तत्रापि च शकुन्तला .
तत्रापि च चतुर्थोङ्क:  तत्र श्लोक चतुष्टयम् ..
Drama is the best among literature, among dramas Sakuntala, in Sakuntala the 4th act and in that only 4 slokas.

यास्यद्य शकुन्तलेति हृदयं संस्पृष्टमुत्कण्ठया
कण्ठ: स्तंभित बाष्पवृत्ति कलुष श्चिन्ता जडं दर्शनम् .
वैक्लव्यं मम तवाद्रुशीमिदं स्नेहाद्रन्यौकस:
पीड्यन्ते गृहिण: कथं नु तनयाविश्लेषदु:खैर्नवै: ..

The very thought that sakuntala will leave us today, is making my heart heavy with grief. My throat is choked due to tears and I have no words to speak. My vision is blurred. If an ascetic like me, who has renounced the world can suffer so much with the pangs of separation, what would be the plight of a family man, when his daughter leaves his home after wedlock!

पातुं न प्रथमं व्यवस्यति जलं यौमास्वपीतेषु या
नादत्ते प्रियमण्डनापि भवतां स्नेहेन या पल्लवम् .
आद्ये व: कुसुमप्रसूतिसमये यस्या भवत्युत्सव:
सेयं याति शकुन्तला पतिगृहं सर्वैरनुग्यायताम् ..
Sakuntala is leaving for her husband's place oh kingdom of vegetation, please bid her adieu! She is the same Sakuntala, who would not quench her thirst before watering you. Though she loves to adorn herself, she will not pluck even a leaf, as she loves you so dearly. The day you blossom and flowers bloom that day, used to be a festive day for her.

शुश्रूषस्व गुरून् कुरु प्रियसखीवृत्तिं सपत्नीजने
भर्तुर्विप्रकृतापि रोषणतया मा स्म प्रतीमं गम: .
भूयिष्टं भव दक्षिणा परिजने भाग्येष्वनुत्सेकिनी
यान्त्येवं गृहिणीपदं यवतयो वामा: कुलस्याधय: ..
Serve your in-laws and elders with devotion. Be very friendly with your co wives/sisters. Do not act against your husband's wishes even if he displeases you. Be very generous with the servants. Do not be proud of your good fortune. Women, who thus follow the righteous path, are extolled, and those who act otherwise, bring shame to their families.

अर्थो हि कन्या परकीय एव  तामद्यसंप्रेष्य परिग्रहीतु: .
जातो ममायं विशद: प्रकामं  प्रत्यर्पितन्यास इवान्तरात्मा ..
The daughter is essentially a loan, a precious jewel. She belongs to the family where she gets wedded. I feel greatly relieved having performed the duty of a custodian and have handed her over to her husband.

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Monday 20 November 2017

कालिदास महिमा Greatness of Kalidasa

कविसार्वभौम: कालिदास:
सर्वेभ्यो नमो नम:
Kalidasa was not a poet by birth.  That was his fortunes to become a poet by the blessings of Goddess Kali.  So people called him Kalidasa.  We can’t trace out his whereabouts but researches say that he lived in Ujjain for long.  So the holy City of Maha Kaleswara, the ephithet of Lord Siva, Ujjain is considered as the city of Kalidasa. He had described Ujjain in his Meghadut.  The Karthik Poornima is considered as his birthday, may be the day that he was blessed by Goddess Kali.  The 5 days celebration is being organised in Ujjain by Kalidasa Academy, Ujjain with the association of Vikram University, Ujjain.  Here we would like to give you the following in praise of Kalidasa.  Please listen and enjoy. 

महाकवि कालिदासस्य काव्यानि


कविकुलगुरु: कालिदास:

श्लिष्टा क्रिया कश्चित् आत्मसंस्थासंक्रातिरन्यस्य विशेषयुक्ता .यस्योभयं साधु स शिक्षकाणांधुरि प्रतिष्टापयितव्य येव ..

Some have good knowledge in the subject and some are capable of teaching very well.  But one who has good knowledge and teaching well to be kept above all.

पुरा कवीनां गणना प्रसङ्गे कनिष्ठिकाधिष्टित कालिदास:
अद्यापि तत्तुल्य कवेराभावात् अनामिका सार्थवती बभूव ..
                In the above sloka it is said that Kalidasa was the best among all the poets.  He was only considered as best because he was best in similes. Once there was meeting of all poets and they started listing out the names of poets.  Then Kalidasa was counted first with the little finger.  They could not find any other poet equivalent to him.  So the ring finger is still without the name of a poet.  The ring finger is called Anamika in Sanskrit.  It means “No name”)  so the name Anamika is fit for the ring finger.

कालिदास वाच: कुत्र  व्याख्यातारो वयं क्व च
तदिदं मन्ददीपेन राजवेश्म प्रकाशनम् ..
Vallabha deva, one of the commentator of Kalidasa’s works say thus: “Where is the figure of speech of Kalidasa and where is our commentaries?  Our commentaries are like that to enter into a big palace with a small lamp”.

कालिदासकविता नवं वयो  माहिषं दधि शर्करं पय: .
शारदेन्दुरबला च कोमला   स्वर्गसौख्यमुपभुज्यते नरा:
 The word of Kalidasa is very young, it is like the curd made from milk of a buffalo mixed with sugar, it is soft, innocent and like the moonlight in the autumn season.  While reading his works people experience the happiness of the Heaven.
कालिदास गिरां सारं कालिदास: सरस्वती .
चतुर्मुखोऽथवा  ब्रह्मा विदुर्नान्ये तु मादृशा: .
Only Goddess Saraswathi and the creator understand the meaning of Kalidasa’s words and not the poet like me.
महाकविं कालिदासं वन्दे वाक्देवता गुरुम्
यज्ञाने विश्वमाभाति दर्पणे प्रतिबिम्बवत् ..
I salute the Head of the poets.  In his knowledge the whole world is reflected like reflection on the mirror.
काव्येषु नाटकं रम्यं तत्रापि च शकुन्तला
तत्रापि च चतुर्थोङ्क: तत्र श्लोकचतुष्टयम्
- Drama is the best among literature, among dramas Sakuntala, in Sakuntala the 4th act and in that only 4 slokas.

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Greatness of Kalidasa

There are slokas praising Mahakavi Kalidasa:

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Upanyasam by Dr VCG