Friday, 17 November 2017

Slokas from Bhoja Prabandam भोजप्रबन्ध श्लोका:

कालिदास संस्कृत केन्द्रम्
Kalidasa Samskrita Kendram
Phone: +91-7604997852
Dear Students,
Experience some slokas from Bhoja Prabanda of Ballala sena.

 सुतं पतन्तं प्रसमीक्ष्य पावके
न बोधयामास पतिं पतिव्रता .
तदाभवत् तत्पतिभक्तिगौरवात्
हुताशनश्चन्दन पङ्कशीतल:
The faithful lady did not awaken her husband though she saw her child fall into the fire. But the fire became cool as sandal-paste owning to the noble devotion to her husband (271)

जन्बूफलानि पक्वानि पतन्ति विमले जले
कपि कंपित शाखाभ्यो गुलुगुग्गुलुगुग्गुलु
The ripe berries falling into clear waters from the branches shaken by the monkeys produced the sound, gulu, guggulu, guggulu (272)

नागो भाति मदेन खं जलधरै: पूर्णेन्दुना शर्वरी
शीलेन प्रमदा जवेन तुरगो नित्योसवैर्मन्दिरम्
वाणी व्याकरणेन हंसमिथुनै र्नद्य: सभा पण्डितै:
सत्पुत्रेण कुलं त्वया वसुमती लोकत्रयं भानुना .
The elephant looks beautiful with rut, the sky with clouds, the night with the full moon, the woman with bashfulness, the horse with speed, the house with daily festivities, the speech with grammar, the river with paris of swans, the cours with learned men, the family with a good son, the earth with you (King Bhoja raj) and the tree worlds with the sun (280)

राजाभिषेके मदविःवलाया  हस्ताच्च्युतो हेमघटो युवत्या:
सोपानमार्गेषु करोति शब्दं टटम् टटम्  टम् टटटम् टटम् ट:
On the occasion of coronation-ceremony of the King a golden jar dropped from the hands of a young lady who was beside herself with lust, fell down the flight of stairs with the noise – tatam, tatam, tam, tatatam, tatam, ta: (289)

भटटिर्नष्टो  भास्करश्चापि* नष्टो 
भिक्षुर्नष्टो  भीमसेनोऽपि नष्ट:
भुक्कुण्डोऽहं भूपतिस्त्वं हि राजन् ! 
बब्भा पङ्क्तावन्तक: सैन्नविष्ट: ..
*भारवीयोऽपि (this is another patabedam available)
Bhatti is dead; bhaskara is no more; bhikku died; bhimasena breathed his last. I am bhukkunda and you are Bhupati (i.e. the king). Oh King ! Death has laid his hand upon the line of ‘ba’ (i.e. the names beginning with the letter ‘b’) -  (290)

बलवानप्यशक्तोऽसौ धनवानपि निर्धन:
श्रुतवानपि मूर्खश्चा यो धर्म्मविमुखो जन: .
One who is averse to virtue, is powerless in spite of his strength, penniless in spite of his wealth and ignorant in spite of his learning. (34)
न ततो हि सहायार्थे माता भार्या च तिष्टति
न पुत्रमित्रे न ज्ञाति र्धर्म्म स्तिष्टति केवल: (३३)
At death neither mother nor wife nor sons and friends nor kindsmen stand by you for help. It is virtuous achievements that cling. (33)
राज्ञि धर्मणि धर्मिष्ठा: पापे पापपरा: सदा
जाजानमनुवर्तन्ते यथा राजा तथा प्रजा: (४४)
if the king be virtuous, the people become virtuous; if he be vicious, the later, too, become addicted to vice. Subjects imitate kings. Like king like subject. (44)
एकेन राजहंसेन या शोभा सरसोभवेत्
न सा बकसहस्रेण परितस्तीरवासिना 
the lake which looked beautiful with a swan alone, cannot now wear the same beauty with thousands of boobies living in all sides of its banks. (146)

अद्य धारा निराधारा निरालम्बा सरस्वती
पण्डिता: खण्डिता: सर्वे  भोजराजे दिवं गते (२९४)
King Bhoja having dies Dhara (the city) is today without support, Sarasvathi, the goddess of learning, is rendered helpless and all pandits are undone. (294)

अद्य धारा सदाधारा सदालंबा सरस्वती
पण्डिता मण्डिता: सर्वे भोजराजे भुवं गते ..
King Bhoja being on the earth, Dhara has today got permanent support, Sarasvati the goddess of learning has got unfailing help and all the pandits are adorned (295)


1 comment:

Upanyasam by Dr VCG